Rock à la Casbah - 14 avril 2023

14 avril 2023 à 20h00 - 379 vues
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NICK WATERHOUSE (Innovative Leisure) - The Fooler -  Unreal Immaterial

CLAVICULE (A Tant Rêver Du Roi, Le Cèpe Records and Ideal Crash Label)- Full of joy - Painkillers
NIGHT BEATS (FuzzClubRecords)- Rajan Hot Ghee

DAUGHTER (4AD, 07/04/23) - Stereo mind game - Party
J.T IV (Drag City) - The Future - Jet lag time drag

Thee GLOOMIES (Dangerhouse Skylab) - S/T- Hang Up
IAN KAY (Discos Antifaz) - Walk That Road Again - Walk That Road Again

NICK WATERHOUSE (Innovative Leisure) - The Fooler - Hide and seek
NICK WATERHOUSE (Innovative Leisure) - The Fooler - Play to win

Spencer CULLUM (Full Time Hobby, 14/04/2023) - Spencer Cullum's coin collection 2 - That same day departure (2'15)
WEDNESDAY(Dead Oceans, 07/04/23) - Rat saw God - Bath county

TEE VEE REPAIRMAN (S/T) - What's on tv ? - Out of order
HEARTBEEPS (Slovenly) -Cum Together- Sick In Your Head

NICK WATERHOUSE (Innovative Leisure) - The Fooler - The Fooler


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