Rock à la Casbah - 10 mars 2023

10 mars 2023 à 20h00 - 592 vues
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DEATH VALLEY GIRLS (Suicide Squeeze Records) Islands in the sky - What Are the Odds

NOIR AUDIO (Autoprod) Sentimental Girl - Asleep
DOUBLE DATE WITH DEATH (La Shoebox) Portraits - Grand

Oska WALD (Bretfrod Records, 17/03/23) - Motel Reno - Runt
Quentin Sauvé (Hummus records) - Enjoy the View - Reflections

Penny & the Quarters (Numero Group) - You & Me/It's Time - You & Me
The Men (Fuzz Club) - New York City - Hard Livin

DEATH VALLEY GIRLS (Suicide Squeeze Records) Islands in the sky - Islands in the Sky
DEATH VALLEY GIRLS (Suicide Squeeze Records) Islands in the sky - Magic Powers

PULP (Island Records, 1993) - Intro : the Gift recordings - Babies
Les FILS DE JOIE (PIAS / Pop Sisters Records, 24/03/23) - Nous ne dansons plus la nuit - Nous ne dansons plus la nuit

Annabel Lee (Howlin' Banana et Humpty Dumpy Records)- Drift - High Anxiety
Unloved - The Pink Album - WTC

DEATH VALLEY GIRLS (Suicide Squeeze Records) Islands in the sky - Watch the Sky


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